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Sometimes You Need A Push


Leadership. How does one find themselves in these roles? More than likely they were volunteered and/or pushed into it. Or like I like to say, voluntold. Sometimes events like that can work out for the better. It makes you step up and put your money where your mouth is. Usually the reason you end up in that role is because you are always talking about how you would do things differently or, how you like to think that you could do them better.

I have found myself in these spots quite a few times in my adult life so far... it makes my life a challenge but it also keeps me busy when Matt has long days/nights at the hospital. As I have mentioned before, I am an avid 4H leader; however, I was pretty much pushed into that position right after I aged out, and I mean RIGHT after. I finished showing for the last time in August and I was already made a leader by the time the end of October came around. I wouldn't trade my time with the 4H kids for anything though. Watching them grow and change is one of the best things in the entire world. They constantly surprise me with their knowledge and make me so proud to be their leader and friend every single day. However, I am not only a "regular" 4H leader, I also sit on our county 4H Council. We oversee the 3 4H fairs in our county. Just one of the many hats...

Aside from the 4H stuff, I am currently being pushed, almost forced, into a new leadership role in a different program: Farm Bureau. Our Regional Rep is really pushing me to be more involved, especially in the Young Farmer program. He eventually wants to see me and a friend of mine be co-chairs of the Young Farmer program for the county and then serve on the county Farm Bureau board. I'm reluctant... I am not much of a planner, or much of a people person for that matter; and that's kind of what that position needs. Someone to bring the county people together, especially with how diverse the farms are here. So we will see if his pushes make me get my act together and step up to the plate or not. I guess only time will tell.

Mind you this is supposed to be a farm blog, so I'll tie this into the Dexters somehow... Oh yes. I was pushed into serving on the ADCA Youth Committee to help develop more of a youth program for the association, which I feel is a HUGE deal! I would love to see more of a youth presence in the association. I mean, they are the future of the breed and let's face it, Dexters aren't owned by many "young" people. So pushing that idea is a big thing in my book. Let's hope that we can get ball rolling... I'd love to entertain thoughts on it.

So in the long run, if you think you want to see change...step up your game! Don't sit back and complain about how things are run because you can change it. You may not think you are cut out to do the job, but life tends to mold you in ways that are quite incredible. It may be crazy to have your hands in so many pies, but to see things happen and get accomplished is well worth the effort. Follow that arrow... it won't lead you astray.

Till next time...

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